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Hormone Replacement Therapy
Posted or Updated on 1 Oct 2024
Further to the Panorama programme - The Menopause Industry (30/09/2024) - we thought it would be helpful to offer some reassurance and general advice for our patients on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
At Woodbrook Medical Centre, we constantly review our prescribing to ensure safe practice and can reassure you that we adhere to latest guidelines supported by evidence based medicine. Sometimes we may need to prescribe outside a product's licence but we will explain this to you at the time of prescribing, explaining why it may be necessary. We definitely do not prescribe ultra high doses of oestrogen, as some private clinics may do. These 'off licence' high doses would be considered more than:
100mcg patch
4 pumps of Oestrogel
4mg of oral (tablet) estradiol
6 sprays of Lenzetto
3mg Sandrena gel
If you do have concerns about your current HRT regimen then please contact Reception to arrange a review with one of our clinicians